1、 Setting of navigation bar for basic construction of mobile page.
手機上網址導航不可以跟PC端一樣,因為顯示屏比較有限,把關鍵的內容展現出去就可以,并不一定像PC端那般展現出去,是簡單就行,有助于客戶尋找自身的要求點,在底端也必須設定導航欄,有助于客戶深層訪問 ,還有一個回到頂部,便捷客戶回頂訪問 別的內容。
The website navigation on the mobile phone can't be the same as that on the PC side, because the display screen is relatively limited. It can show the key contents. It's not necessarily like that on the PC side. It's simple and can help customers find their own requirements. The navigation bar must also be set at the bottom to help customers access in depth, and one must go back to the top, Facilitate customers to access other content back to the top.
2、 Plan the contents of the basic construction of mobile web pages.
Carry out a survey for all staff of their own customers, analyze from the perspective of customers' requirements, integrate the analysis of sales market and competitors, deal with the content display and reasonable layout of the website purposefully, ensure to be problem-oriented, meet the requirements of customers' needs, and determine their own position.
3、 The content of web pages on mobile phones should be simplified.
手機屏展現的內容比較有限,不象PC端那般大的顯示屏,并且網頁頁面很大,內容過少,載入速率是十分慢的,從客戶體驗考慮,充分考慮開啟速率,因此 內容要精減,立即呈現重要內容。
The content displayed on the mobile screen is relatively limited, which is not as large as that on the PC side, and the web page is large, the content is too small, and the loading rate is very slow. Considering the customer experience, the opening rate should be fully considered, so the content should be reduced and the most important content should be presented immediately.
4、 Attach great importance to the display of products and services.
客戶進到您的手機網頁,關鍵還是關心產品服務,由于他買的便是你的產品服務,因此 想掌握某一商品或是服務項目的詳盡價錢、服務項目內容和作用。公司在手機網頁上的商品和服務項目展現,可挑選公司的關鍵商品,對其各種主要參數或價錢多方面詳細描述,針對公司的新品,還可以適度的多方面詳細介紹,必需時能夠選用圖片配文字的方法,但照片的容積應盡可能小。

When a customer enters your mobile web page, the key is to care about products and services. Because what he buys is your products and services, he wants to know the detailed price, content and function of a certain commodity or service item. For the display of the company's goods and service items on the mobile phone web page, you can select the company's key goods and describe their main parameters or prices in detail in many aspects. For the company's new products, you can also introduce them in moderate detail in many aspects. When necessary, you can choose the method of pictures with words, but the volume of photos should be as small as possible.
5、 Considering the actual effect of dragging on smart phones.
手機網頁全是響應式手機屏的,有助于客戶閱讀文章,但顯示屏小,展現內容比較有限,因此 應用拖動實際效果,有助于展現大量內容,供客戶訪問 ,謹記不必讓客戶自身變大變小,提升實際操作的心煩,不利客戶體驗,拖動網頁頁面實際操作比著變大網頁頁面收看要簡易得多。
Mobile web pages are full of responsive mobile screens, which can help customers read articles, but the display screen is small and the display content is relatively limited. Therefore, the actual effect of application drag can help to display a large amount of content for customers to visit. Remember that there is no need to make customers bigger and smaller, improve the anxiety of actual operation and adversely affect the customer experience, The actual operation of dragging a web page is much easier than watching a larger web page.
6、 Mobile web pages are compatible with a variety of browsers.
不一樣電腦瀏覽器擁有 自身不一樣的標準,針對編碼的鑒別有一定的差別,因此 要考慮到流行的瀏覽器,有助于客戶訪問 ,不會客戶換一個電腦瀏覽器就出現兼容模式,危害到客戶體驗度。
Different computer browsers have their own different standards, and there are certain differences in the identification of codes. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the popular browser, which is helpful for customers to visit, and there will be no compatibility mode when customers change a computer browser, which will endanger the customer experience.
7、 Reduce the actual operation of customer text input on mobile web pages.
Nowadays, intelligent machines generally do not have a computer keyboard with a physical line, or only have the function of 12 key telephone typing, so it is much more inconvenient to input text than the keyboard of an application computer. Therefore, reducing the opportunities for users to enter text, such as login name and login password, should be prevented by every effort when making mobile web pages.
8、 The future marketing promotion and publicity planning should be fully considered in the basic construction of mobile web pages.
手機網頁基本建設務必要歷經人性化方案策劃、設計方案與制做,結合公司的優點、產品優勢、運營模式、服務項目等層面,充分考慮今后的營銷推廣與宣傳策劃,讓客戶清楚的掌握到公司,在豐富多彩站內內容的,出示詳細的商品信息及其聯系電話,并搜集相關商品的客戶滿意度和消費者要求層面的意見反饋信息內容,搞好相對的seo推廣工作中,讓手機網頁擁有 更強的排行。
The basic construction of mobile web page must go through humanized scheme planning, design scheme and production, and fully consider the future marketing promotion and publicity planning in combination with the company's advantages, product advantages, operation mode, service items and other aspects, so that customers can clearly grasp the company and show detailed commodity information and contact number in the rich and colorful content of the station, And collect the content of feedback information on customer satisfaction and consumer requirements of relevant goods, and do a good job in the relative SEO promotion, so as to make the mobile page have a stronger ranking.
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