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來源:http://www.qanho.com/ 發布時間:2021-08-30

字體和字形。字體主要指的是由于某種字的樣式,如黑體字、宋體字,而字形指的是這樣一個標準字體的形狀發生變化,例如加粗、斜體等。 易讀。一段文字系統是否比較容易產生閱讀,就是易讀性。一段文字的易讀性與字間距、行間距、字體大小、背景色、字體顏色,都存在差異較大的關系。 襯線和無襯線。襯線字體一般包括小的裝飾線或在字母筆畫的末端的“尾巴”,無襯線字體通常是由更簡潔的線條部分組成,字母的頂端的人沒有得到任何修飾。
Fonts and glyphs. Font mainly refers to the style of certain characters, such as bold and Song typeface, and font refers to the change of the shape of such a standard font, such as bold, italic, etc. readable. Whether a text system is easy to read is readability. The legibility of a text has a great difference with word spacing, line spacing, font size, background color and font color. Serif and sans serif. Serif fonts generally include small decorative lines or "tails" at the end of letter strokes. Sans serif fonts are usually composed of simpler line parts, and the people at the top of letters are not decorated.
Sense of level. A sense of hierarchy is essential in typesetting. It can be used to distinguish different contents and help children readers immediately begin to understand which accounting information is the most important. The hierarchical structure model can be realized according to the use value (large or small), width (thick or thin) and the position of elements.
1、 Find the font that matches the brand strategy. Whatever the outcome, find a font that expresses your unique personality. In order to become the best font for your website, first collect some fonts you think are very suitable in China, and then gradually narrow the font range after you better understand the fonts you need.
二,保證字體的一致性。 當你認為可以在同一個網站上合并兩到三種字體時,在相同的上下文中已經使用功能相同的字體。例如,如果不是一個整體頁面的標題是宋體的粗體寫的,那么如何確保我國其他活動標題也是人類一樣的。
2、 Ensure font consistency. When you think you can merge two or three fonts on the same website, fonts with the same function have been used in the same context. For example, if the title of a whole page is not written in bold in Song typeface, how to ensure that the titles of other activities in China are the same as human beings.
三,使其易讀。 政府網站建設時選擇的字體,在各類生產設備中都是十分容易導致閱讀的。例如,如果你選擇的字體在PC機上是容易掌握閱讀,也要努力確保其在手機上也容易因為閱讀。
3、 Make it easy to read. The font selected in the construction of government websites is very easy to read in all kinds of production equipment. For example, if the font you choose is easy to read on a PC, try to make sure it is also easy to read on a mobile phone.
4、 Fonts are limited to two or three.
The construction of a website composed of multiple fonts may appear chaotic and incoherent. Instead, choose no more than two or three fonts and stick to them on every page.
五,學會獨立進行合理搭配。 在為你的網站尋找達到佳的字體搭配時,把你的自身身份利益放在你決策的重要位置。記住標題用什么字體,長文本用什么字體。后者應該是特別干凈和容易培養閱讀,選擇其中一個動態字體真正地表達你的。
5、 Learn to mix reasonably independently. When looking for the best font matching for your website, put your brand's own identity and interests at the top of your decision. Remember what font to use for headings and long text. The latter should be particularly clean and easy to cultivate reading, choose one of the dynamic fonts to really express your brand.
本文由濟南網站建設友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊:http://www.qanho.com 真誠的態度.為您提供為全面的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.
This article is contributed by Jinan website construction. For more information, please click: http://www.qanho.com  Sincere attitude. To provide you with a comprehensive service. More relevant knowledge, we will continue to offer to you. Please look forward to it